"Waving" flag carve?

Quite easy to accomplish in F360, similar but slightly different approach than what BrianSaban posted earlier:

Method is basically:

  • create your rectangle, extrude this whatever thickness you want.
  • In Sculpt-mode create Plane covering the top surface of your stock
  • Edit vertexes and/or lines to resemble the shape (topography) you want
  • In Model mode choose Modify-Replace Face (optional, delete the part of the Sculpt plane outside stock)
    That is basically it (sans the text in my example)

Video, with errors:

Would v carve be able to do this?

WW - here is a quick run-down on how to use F360 to accomplish similar shape.
You are ready for CAM/tool setup after these quick, simple steps.

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I still dont understand how to get this wavy look. does anyone have a better video or better instructions. If im even successful with making this wavy rectangle then what. Do i import the file into aspire? model it from there???help

What software are you using?

This is awesome. Followed this method of yours which was quick and easy . However I’m having a hard time creating the tool paths for it. Anyway you can help me figure this out?

What’s your other idea? Idk how to use fusion and I want to make the 3d flags