If @SethCNC’s solution here does not work, it does look very similar to the issue I was having not long ago.
I have not seen the problem since I stopped using Easel to send my GCode. I use Universal GCode Sender just fine with my XCP at 57600 Bd. I like the features better than those offered by Easel for machine control.
If you do not create your Gcode with another third-party - such as CarveCo or Fusion360 - you can use Easel.
How to Export Gcode from Easel
It could also have something to do with the USB settings of your connected computer, which is what an Inventables technical support representative clued me into. If it is a windows machine, you might be able to check your “Power Options” settings for USB. I was using an Ubuntu distribution, which does not manage USB power the same as Windows.
Hope some of this helps.
Edit: Added link to UGS.