Is this still relevant, Does it still work ?
@FrankVargas @MikePlummer @BrentSancken i just was able to get my x-carve back up and running with a replacement gshield. the software and tutorial have both been updated.
Install went flawless on my Mac and on the Raspberry PI v3. Easel still will not connect… Any help?
you can still use the X-Carve server to remotely control the X-Carve so keep that in mind.
as far as using the easel local this has not been updated with the newer drivers but you can still use this method as listed in this newer post. Easel Local for Linux? - #17 by SamyKamkar
keep in mind that all the improvements started here with this post. and since you can still use some of the program (server end) to also remote control the X-Carve it is still viable.
And not to say that this is not one way to do this on the Raspberry Pi, but keep in mind (all you users who want to use the Pi) that CNCjs is not the only way.
You can use Easel with Easel Local.
You can use CNCjs
You can use Bcnc
You can use UGS
You can use UgsPlatform
this is a short list of what I have tried and used with the Pi and all worked. Each have their benefits and each have their shortcomings.
Just did not anyone to get the impression that there was only one program that worked with the Raspberry Pi. you will have many options.
great glad to hear that it is working for you. and I believe that the Raspberry Pi was one of the best options I used. No fan to draw dust. small form factor. and inexpensive if I need to replace.
have you ever run into the file size limit for a browser based interface? when I run really large files (mostly laser) I found that CNCjs would not handle them.
they might have that fixed by now, have not used it for several months.
I also use one for my 3D printer but I need to check out OctoPrint. I have only used Repetier server. but then again I have only had this printer for about a week now.
The Easel Local for Linux that @KennethConnell1 linked to has been maintained and is for the latest version of Easel: GitHub - samyk/easel-driver: Easel driver for Linux, Mac, Windows, ARM, Raspberry Pi, Intel, FTDI, CH340, CH341, CP210x, FTDI clones, local, and remote access to GRBL-based CNC controllers
What proxy software are you referring to? In the github link, I describe how to connect remotely (using ncat) if you want to run Easel from one machine and have your CNC connected to another.
It’s the same setup I have at home – Raspberry Pi to run my Carvey, then run ncat on my laptop to use Easel “remotely” over the network.
ncat is for Windows as well (installed via nmap). However, I’ve updated the instructions to include port forwarding that should work out of the box on WIndows with no need to install software:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=1338 listenaddress= connectport=1338 connectaddress=raspberrypi.local
You may need to adjust ‘raspberrypi.local’ to the IP address of the machine running easel-driver (GitHub - samyk/easel-driver: Easel driver for Linux, Mac, Windows, ARM, Raspberry Pi, Intel, FTDI, CH340, CH341, CP210x, FTDI clones, local, and remote access to GRBL-based CNC controllers)
last time I tried from my wife windows machine with the GitHub - adafruit/xcarve-proxy: A Node.js proxy server for connecting to a Raspberry Pi that is running xcarve-server. it worked. I also use it from Ubuntu 17.10 on my system. when I get home I will try it again and see if something has changed. I do not use the proxy very often as it is just as easy to just login to easel from the Pi and load the projects from there.
Just curious and would like it to work for you also.
same here. I use Firefox now and world of difference, 3D preview was unusable with chrome and was so slow it killed you to use it. but it is night and day difference with Firefox. 3D is smooth and very usable.
but when I want to do real work I use my main system in the house and it is saved in the cloud. Just use the Pi to open and cut most of the time.
Just really like a the options this Pi gives me. with none of the problems of a full system in the shop getting ruined with dust and grease (yeah grease).
I do not use VNC. I use Firefox at the pi with a wireless keyboard-pad.
did not realize you were using VNC, even when I need to login to the Pi I use ssh -X pi@ip-address and then start an X window session. sorry for the miscommunication.
I don’t use VNC or ssh for that reason. I use a wireless keyboard at the Pi local. Chrome even at the Pi was slow and lagged where it was unusable, but when I switched to Firefox it run pretty smooth, even rendered the 3D preview (which chrome never did).
But when I do need to login to the Pi from a remote machine I use SSH from Linux on my main system which is a dual Xeon 3.4 Ghz quad cores with 64Gb RAM Nvidia video with 2Gb video RAM gigabyte network. even then it still has lag but that is to be expected across a network.
I was unaware that you were trying to connect remotely to your Pi and run like that. now we know why you are experiencing lag.
I thought that you were just trying to use the Easel Local and connect remotely to the Easel local program as outlined in this article. there is a huge difference between connecting remotely trying to serve a VNC connection and connecting to a remote node.js server to run Easel.
do you have ncat on the machine you are using and port forward on the Pi?
I am using a Pi as my controller and bCNC for running my G Code… works pretty good