X-Carve Workspace Showcase

This is how I plan to mount my X Carve to the melamine. It will sit on a base

Then the waste boards will sit inside the base, so as not to damage the melamine top.

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Would they actually do anything?

I ordered my X-Carve Feb 21, 2016, received it March 6! I have had it 10 days now and had to rush the cabinet. I thought is was going to be 3 weeks before delivered, so I was caught with my pants down!

So the shop has been all about this machine the last 10 days! I have not worked everyday all day on it. But every chance I get that happens to be warm!

If anyone sees anything that look suspect or screwed up, please let me know! I’d love to get advice to improve!

Trying to shoehorn the electronics drawer full!

About halfway done with cabinet and X-Carve. I have a 3 1/2" torsion box sandwiched between 3/4" MDF sealed with poly. Very flat and true! I will be adding drawers and doors to finish out.

Fashioned hold downs out of cabinet brackets. I flipped the 20x20 braces the opposite way, since that area can not be machined in anyway. The red above the 20x20 is T-track, I will be fastening 4 36" strips to the top of the torsion box. They will be about 11" apart and separated by 4 - 3/4" pieces of MDF sacrificial board held down by furniture screws into permanent inserts in the torsion box.

Full extention guides on the electronics drawer will help for future work!

I love the extra tuffness that the heat shrink adds to the connections.

I am so glad this forum exists, all the tips and trick have helped a lot! I added the hard stop to the Z, to maybe help with smashed limit switches!

I am taking my time, and enjoying every minute. Thank you so much for all your posts everybody! Without them, I would have been lost!

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Why do you have the yellow and black wires from the GRBL shield and the Power Supply connected?
I think that is for only when using the 24V DC spindle.
I think you want the yellow and black wires going to your relay.

This is what I am planning on doing. I just got my relay today, so I have not had time to hook it up.

Is there something wrong with this?

I actually want to get this one, because I want to wire in my dust collector to come on when the router kicks in. My dust collector is rated at 25 amps, the dewalt 611 is 7 I think.


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Looks like u have that outlet that hooks up to spindle. Don’t need relay if u have that

You need a relay for the 611. The outlet on the power supply only supplies 24V so I no way will it power a 611.

The yellow and black wires can supply 5v at ~40mA so if your relay triggers under that then you can just hookup the yellow and black wires to the relay. If it needs more juice to trigger then you can use the red and black spindle connectors but this will require a relay that can handle 24v

I would be questioning the quality of the relay you have chosen. The reviews tell a story of overheating and an inflated rated load.

Also what is the rated load on your wall sockets? Your dust collector may be at the maximum for one socket as it is right now if not over it. May be best to consult an sparky.

It cant hurt to try. You may get some recourse or at least the satisfaction of them knowing someone in thier organization screwed up.

Would what actually do anything?

Contacting a carrier in the event of recieving a shipment with damaged goods hidden within the packaging.

I would advise not following that diagram.
That setup is like have a switch, wired to a dimmer, then wired back to a switch; it is redundant. If something goes wrong, it is that much harder to troubleshoot.

Hook up both your relays to the GRBL output (black and yellow) wires.
Via software always make sure your spindle speed defaults to max (E.G. S10000). GCode is M3 S10000.
I think Easel or later versions of GRBL firmware do this automatically.

Already mentioned, that SSR may not be the best. A second IOT relay will get the job done.
The IOT relay is driven by a transistor, so the current drawn from the GRBL shield is minimal.

Also I realize this post (and others) has begun to sway off topic. Future replies should be a separate topic (Reply as linked topic). This topic if for showing off your workspace, not troubleshooting, or shipping issues.

Here’s my X-Carve workspace (the CNC is stowed on the shelf below the work table in the picture). Out of view are rolling cabinets for turning tools, sharpening, drill press, router table, and other tools on mobile bases. Also a Festool MFT on top of a cabinet built for Festool tool storage.


Not trying to argue I had my Dewalt router plugged into it as have others. And it does work. Unless I’m missing something different on yours. Was just trying to save u a step.

Are you sure you have the Dewalt?

The spindle port on the power supply only provides 24v DC and is PWM(Pulse Width Modulated) to control the speed of the old stock spindle. It is not simply not designed for the Dewalt.

The Dewalt is designed to run on the power coming out of your wall socket 120v AC (In the states).

I don’t think u realize what I’m talking about. If u look at the power supply in Darryl shrivers photo, next to it is what looks like power supply, it has 2 outlets that r always on and 2 that are turned when the cnc begins carve. The power supply has the a port to connect to the xcarve with same connections. That’s why I said he didn’t need a relay because it is a relay. I understand that the Dewalt does not plug into xcarve.

Are you suggesting that he does this?

or this

Both of the above are wrong and the top one is down right dangerous or are you talking about something else

Further progress has been made. The lower half of the top (3/4 inch MDF) has been cut to size. I started putting wood hardener on it but ran out before I could finish.

No I’m not.
He already has this one in the photo does not need a second relay for router

Ok though you where talking about his second post and i missed the box in the first post.

The one that he has at the moment the cord is only rated for 12A so would not be able to support his dust extractor though.