3d printed carbon fiber dwp611 dust shoe 2.0

Continuing the discussion from 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Dust Shoe with Removable Brush Skirt:

So I’ve finished an update to my dwp611 dust shoe. Have a look at the photos, or follow this link for more pictures:

Here’s the deal. My goal in this redesign was to simplify the parts and make the printing process as efficient and consistent as possible (ie. the previous version of the main body was printed in two pieces and glued together, this version prints in one piece).

Main goals:
_A more secure attachment to the router (set screws engage the threads on the router housing instead of the friction collar that I was a little skeptical about)

_Minimize material, reduce print time and size for shipping

_Added support for the vacuum hose


Even with a more efficient design, I simply can’t do these cheap. I’m a more than full time architect with two kids and only one 3d printer that I bought to explore making and prototyping, not for mass production. Before buying the printer I didn’t have a good grasp on how long prints take. Especially when quality is important.

Here’s the rub. Each shoe takes about 20 hours to print. I’ve done a bit of research on typical costs per hour for personal 3d printing and selling, and most sources come in at about $13 to $18/ per hour. You’ve probably already started doing the math.

Add in magnets, brush bristles, epoxy, packing and shipping, my time to monitor the print and assemble everything, plus the value of the time my printer is tied up for 20 hours, and you’re looking at a cost that’s probably well beyond what the shoe is worth. (Trying to be unbiased, I think I’d expect to pay about $65 to $75 for something like this)

So, here are the options:
I’ve started an Etsy store and set the price at $250 + shipping (ouch)

I did create a $50 off coupon code just for you all here on this forum. Enter DWP611SHOEDEAL to redeem.

I know. That’s really pricey. I wouldn’t pay that much. But frankly, for what my time is worth to me (and compared to what I bill professionally :wink:) that’s a deal. It’s counter intuitive to me, but the price is set a bit high as a deterrent. I don’t want to get stuck printing a bunch of these and it not being worth all the time, or worse letting people down because I can’t keep up. I hope you all understand.

All that being said, I wanted to offer a more economical option.

  1. So, I’ve also opened a shop on Shapeways.com

This is probably a better option for most of you. Here you can order the parts in multiple materials (plastics, acrylics, etc.) and multiple colors and the parts will be sent directly to you. You’ll have to source and assemble the brush, magnets and set screws on your own. If you’ve assembled an x-carve, you’ll be fine. :smile: Links to those items are available in the listings.

To print all three pieces in their most inexpensive material, what they call “strong flexible plastic,” you’ll be in about $100.

The main body is about $63
Brush skirt ring is about $23
Vacuum support bracket is about $22

The vacuum support bracket is optional, but helps quite a bit.

Anyway, sorry for the long post and the delay getting this update out and I hope no one’s too disappointed by the cost. Feel free to float any ideas or questions my way if you have them. I’m sure I forgot something!

Happy x-carving!


Yeeeeeowch! I definitely like that new design, that is REALLY good looking and probably functional as blazes. But man, that’s more than my KentCNC one. I’m going to tap out on this, I think. A bit too pricey for even my crazy hobby-spasms. :smile:

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Yep. I completely understand. No problem. It is what it is!

I didn’t catch why you went with carbon fiber filament - was it strength or static electricity? It looks cool, but is it that much better than maybe PETG? I’ve got a 3D printer as well and plan to design something along these lines, but with a hose port that will fit my Festool dust extractor. I had been thinking about attaching to the side holes, what made you decide to go with the grub screws?

Good questions. To be honest, I’ve only been 3d printing for a couple months and haven’t really experimented with a lot of materials. The carbon fiber pla isn’t much more than regular pla, I was thinking it might add some strength, I really like the way it finishes. Plus it adds a cool factor :wink:

I’m not too sure what side holes you’re referring to… I was really just trying to keep the part as low profile as I could and this seemed like a good approach. Time will tell. It’s rock solid right now!

@RyanGarone, I was really gung-ho on this, and still am. But the price is a bit much. I completely understand having to charge what your time is worth, and sometimes it’s just not cost effective. 20 hours is alot of time! And you don’t have the ability to capitalize on economies of scale as a hobbyist. I really appreciate you doing all the analysis on this for us, and I’m certainly not upset by it. I’ll definitely check out the Shapeways shop, as those prices are more in my ballpark. Thanks again!


Thanks, Matt. I understand. I did give it a lot of thought. I wish I could get the numbers to work out. If I can figure out a way to streamline, I’ll let you all know.

Nice piece of design and looks highly functional. Great job!

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Thanks, Eric!

Hi again,
I was thinking about this a little more and I’d appreciate your feedback. I’m thinking that if I could get ten orders at $150 a piece, I’d go buy another printer and just use that for production and the rest would go to my time and the other parts. I wouldn’t expect any payment until I have all ten orders, with the understanding that if I don’t get them, I can’t do them at that price…

Do you think $150 would be more reachable for people?

Just trying to figure something out… thanks!

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Stick with being open source and post the STL on http://www.thingiverse.com/ or https://www.youmagine.com/ or https://www.myminifactory.com/ or even here. Even if you did post the STL I am sure you could still get some sales but you would be sticking with the x-carves spirit.

Now don’t get me wrong this is a very sexy looking dust shoe and I am sure you have spent a lot of time developing this and that should be worth something. One thing you should keep in mind is your target buyers. I can’t speak for all but I have an x-carve strictly because it was the cheapest large CNC router available.


I’ll sell my dust collector and dust shoe for $250…

Have you thought of possibly selling the print files to those of us who have 3d printers?

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I’m not looking for sales, so I have no target buyers. You may have missed the original version and post I made about this shoe. One of the first things I said was that if anyone wanted any of my files I’d be happy to share them.

As I wrote, the price is intentionally inflated to deter sales. I didn’t design this to make money. I designed it for me to use to help me make other things. I just shared the photos and offered the files. People then asked me if I’d sell them.

I tried to make it clear that I gave a price for what my time is worth to me, not what I think the shoe is worth.

dustshoe stls.zip (70.1 KB)


To be clear, I don’t think my shoe is worth $250. My time is what I value. I only shared photos and an offer for my files for free. People asked what I’d need to sell them. $250 is my answer.

Looks like a nice set up! I’d ask way more than $250 if I were you.


In my original post I offered my files for free.

dustshoe stls.zip (70.1 KB)


I think Ryan might be right that some people may be misinterpreting this whole thing. Ryan didn’t post his design originally as an offer to sell. I was one of those who egged Ryan on about a price to buy one because I don’t have a 3D printer. I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a 3D printer. I also have no idea what the costs or time involved with 3D printing are. I’ve never used one, and only seen them in demo use a small handful of times. I had to ask! As far as the price goes, I totally understand where Ryan is coming from. I’m an accountant, so I get that the numbers have to work. Ryan knows what his time is worth to him. Buyers know what the dust shoe is worth to them. If those numbers are too far apart, there’s no market interaction. It’s simple economics. Ryan gets it. I appreciate him offering up the files for free, and if I had a 3D printer I would jump on it. Ryan, thanks again for doing the legwork to price it all out for us. As for $150, I like your thought process on another printer. It’s probably a bit more than I had in my head still, though.

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I didn’t mean for my post to be taken the wrong way. I simply made the suggestion as I know all too well what time is worth and the design is, to me, of very good quality and I know it takes time to create these models. I was simply saying that I would have been more than willing to offer some compensation for the time he took to create the file. It saves me hours of Fusion 360 work and that is worth something to me. That’s all I meant by it, and I did miss the original posting of the file so I apologize for that.

I 3d print stuff all the time, and I know exactly where Ryan’s coming from: It takes a lot of personal time to do this stuff, it’s not like cooking something in the microwave. The actual material cost is far below the asking price, but the cost of my personal time is way higher, to make the same item: This isn’t a mass-produced part from a factory, it’s a hand-made thing. For me to make an item for myself: Totally worth it. To make that same item for someone I know : Cash money, but probably the ‘friend discount’. To make it for someone I don’t know at all? Now I need something to compensate my time.

Of course, people could use this as an excuse to get a 3d printer and do it themselves. Considering you can get (for example), a Printerbot metal simple for like $600, that’s nearly half the price of a dustshoe. Way easier sell to the Mrs now, right? :wink:

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No worries. I wasn’t trying to be snarky or anything… I was actually on my way out the door. :smile: Anyway, you’re right, these models do take a lot of time to develop and since I’m still new to printing, there’s quite a bit of, print, try again, print, try again. In a case like this, where I’m making the model for myself and would be, even if anyone else wanted it or not, I’m not worried about giving the files away. I’ve taken a lot from these forums and I’m glad to give back in some way. Files seem an easy way to do that! Enjoy. If you do end up using them, I’d appreciate any feedback on the design or models.


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