A few projects using VCarve Pro

Maybe vcarve pro 6 not work with ugs

Also I didn’t know how to share photos or her

Vcarve only creates the gcode file. UGS only sends that gocde file to your machine.

If you have the correct post processor loaded in the My_PostP directory then all is good, When you try to save the gocde you will just select that X-Carve post processor and vcarve will save a gcode file that works with X-Carve.

  1. Did you load the X-Carve post processor into the My_PostP directory?
  2. Did you pick that post processor when you saved the gcode?
  3. Did Vcarve Pro create a “.gcode” file?

These are three (3) Yes/No questions please answer them with Yes or No.

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No I didn’t do that, I will try that, today, and see what next, thanks for your help

Agghh. :tired_face:



I don’t have an X-Carve, but at the bottom of the list of Post Processors in VCarve, there are X-Carve_inch.pp and X-Carve_mm.pp. Seems like that should be self-explanatory. Save the toolpath using one of those and pull it up in UGS!

I’m using VCarve (Desktop) with UGS nearly every day!!!

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I didn’t check lately if they update those post processors. I modified both of them for Spindle start and stop commands. There wasn’t stop command after job finish. I also add a little pause at the beginning, in case I remember something and e-stop immediately before starts to job.

i download these file ,X-Carve_inch.pp and X-Carve_mm.pp.how this file can help me , can you expalin to me how i use this file.

Load them into Vcarves my_postp directory

i have vcarve pro 6, where is this folder,my_postp directory

The file is a postprocessor. Somewhere in the program folder of v-carve (on your hard drive) there should be a list of post processor files for different kinds (brands) of cnc-machines. Probably you just add the file there and restart program. Next time when you are happy with your product and want to save the toolpaths choose your post processor in the dröp down menu and save.

Here is the steps if this doesn’t clear, you have to start searching more help from Vectric site.
They go into these folder. Just see folder stracture in address bar.

Then, you have to create Tool Path on Vcarve just like you see on the screen shot.

You’re gonna save your Tool path any good place you can find.

When you’re saving toolpath make sure you’re choosing Post processor you just copied into folder.

Now you have Tool Path saved. You can go UGS and do your homing/Z zero and browse your Tool path under File Mode, make sure everything looking good on Visualize screen, And click Send button and start running. Or sit down and watch.

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:scream: :smiling_imp: :grimacing:

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dear AllenMassey,AlanDavis
now I understand what you said, first of all I thank you for your help,second I will write the steps
1- download file from this website ,VCarve Pro – Inventables, Inc.
this file for xcarve.
2-open vcarve—go to file— go to open application data folder.
open postp folder
copy and past two file which you down load X-Carve_inch.pp and X-Carve_mm.pp
3-close your program vcarve
4- open vcarve ,save as you work in X-Carve_inch.pp or X-Carve_mm.pp


No, go back start reading and checking those screen shots again. Those .pp files needs to be put into those folders. Those are not Vcarve drawing files. Those are Post Processor files Vcarve needs to read them when you’re generating Tool Path file from your Drawing. I put those screen shots to show you where those files must be.
Lets try this way;

  1. You’re putting those .pp files to that folder.
  2. You’re drawing anything on Vcarve.
  3. When you Save your drawing, that is not machinable file, just a drawing file.
  4. Just under 2D view on the left hand side of Vcarve, you’ll see like a window there is arrow pointing to the right, clicking to that.
  5. You will see another side window opens on the right side of screen.
  6. Choosing what kind of tool path you need, just say Cut. That is the first Icon. When you click it, you have options for Dept, Bit size, you’re generating tool path by clicking Calculate at the bottom.
  7. After calculation is finish, you have to save that tool path like you see on my window shot I sent you.
    Follow those screen shots.
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@BlairHarp already posted this link for you, but this shows you how to save your toolpaths:

this photo from my first project, you can see not complete craving, maybe because not use the same bit size, 0.5 v bit ,0.5 mill bit , is it too big for carving small size , my cnc is 50*50 , m8 threaded rod , what is the best bit size i have to use.

this is my vcarve job. it assume the same result, but you can see not carve all the surface .

It looks like you made a lot of progress! Good job.

When you are carving small letters you may want to try a 60 degree or even a 30 degree vbit.

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Dear Allen
you see that the cnc not carve all the surface, why that ?,also my threaded rod m8, can i use 0.5 inc end mill or 0.5 v cut.