Nope, by Mark Chepurny, according to the KS.
I’m #87!
Phil, I believe you are oversimplifying your shoe. It may include some 1/2" acrylic sheet, but isn’t some Extrusion / T-Track and 3D printing involved in yours?
Those extra REQUIRED components might make it more desirable to buy something that works vs designing and building it from scratch.
I think you have greatly underestimated how long this would take someone with limited experience with these machines and software. I personally tried to make one myself and after spending hours on the design and a few more sourcing material I then scraped quite a few pieces trying to machine acrylic as its pretty tricky to work with. After all was said and done I wasted about $60 on material not to mention all the time and frustration! Also, you were able to make this boot because you were able to reverse engineer an already proven working dust boot! You also said you used a rapid prototype machine to make a few of the parts as well! Not everyone has that.
Mine was less than an hour of my hourly rate.
the website is selling it for about $75.00.
Thanks , Bob I didn’t know that, I’ll check it out.
@PhilJohnson maybe I could and maybe I couldn’t. All I know is I have already sunk hours into trying to make one and there are some things I’d rather pay to have done just to have it done.
I charge myself $50 an hour and I really doubt I could get anything as nice as the SuckIt for the price I would have to pay myself. I’d end up with a piece of junk I had to pay myself $200 to make. It’s happened before.
Sounds like some sort of time traveling paradox!
But I thinks it’s awesome you got yours figured out Phil and it looks great!
I went with my usual hourly rate of $30/hr, plus materials, and it came out nearly in the wash. I’ll let someone else do the R&D, my spindle time is largely already tied up with projects!
I’m number 28 but I live in Australia so who knows when it will get here.
Fingers crossed!
Yeah, they are shipping out based on pledge number, Mine wont be getting shipped (maybe?) until next week. I debated it too much haha.
@PhilJohnson my personal reason for buying it was mostly I wasn’t sure how to go about it and I am way too new with doing what I am doing; On the upside If I read it right, they created the first few on the XC. Its super exciting to see that someone is out there, able to get this out there from the same platform I am starting from. I can give my support, just like family and friends do for my projects.
i’ve just ordered one. Thought *uckit rather that make my own when i get round to it (which will probably be never at my current rate of projects) i’ll just buy one i know should work, and if it doesn’t i can shout at someone else rather than blaming myself as normal.
I’m guessing however it will take a long time to arrive with me in the UK.
Hurrah, looks like mine ships tomorrow! Can’t wait to try this out. I’ve never been fully happy with the one I have now, the bristles “squishing” into the surface causes irregularity on the pocket bottoms, every time, and the exhaust has a tendency to overwhelm my dust extractor on the far side of the bit from the intake. This should be most interesting!
I just found out I’m number 119
I have experienced the same problem (irregularities with surface bottoms / finishes).
I am looking forward to having a constant height shoe!
Working with KentCNC, they’ve tried a number of different bristles to do the job, but it seems that the X-gantry is just too torsionally weak to prevent SOME twist, even with the finest bristles they can find. A constant-height shoe looks to be about the best option, it would appear. Bonus for reducing the lever arm between the hose and the gantry. Downside being that I’ll have to rework my hold-down plans, since my toggle clamps won’t fit under a 1" skirt.
I feel you, im at 125 lol
Same here, tested every single materials with no help. Finally I redesign my shoe. Working great for now.
I am number 59 for the suckit and I cannot wait to get my hands on it! I even signed up to the expedited overseas shipping option all I have to do now is pay Rip Off British import duties when it arrives but I am used to that. It seems all the best add ons and kit comes from other countries we don;t seem to make anything here anymore. Oh well back to the excitement of waiting for my new toy!!
It aint a Harley!