Best Dust Shoe / Boot Design EVER ! "Suckit"

just got notice that “suckit” has been shipped

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Ok I will give you that, the triumph is still a triumph for the for the Harley they are nice but I would still prefer a British made Triumph for nostalgic reason, I am old enough to remember when made in Great Britain meant something.

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I feel for you guys that have to pay high shipping rates and import fees. We ship to other countries pretty frequently and see the rates :flushed:; yet at the same time it blows my mind that something can go from my little shop in the Midwest to Australia, Russia, Sweden…and so on. The connectedness and interchange between distant places is pretty amazing- though it can come at a high price tag.

Mine shipped today, expected delivery on Friday!!!

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I work for a company manufacturing parts for Oil rigs which make form UK material and ship to China. Just a shame the company is owned by a German company who intern is own by a Japanese company. :confused:

ar well.

Least the new Jag F type is sexy as hell, shows we can still make some of the prettiest cars in the world.

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As long as it doesn’t have Lucas electrics. :scream:


LMAO… search “suckit” on YouTube or Google… that’s rich!

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:joy: your right there! many an hour gaping the points on my Lucas distributor.

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I recommend using your office neighbor’s computer when you do this.

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#19 here. Mine shipped yesterday and it’s already out for delivery today. Hopefully I’ll have some time this weekend to try it out.

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I just added the Jtech laser and wondering if this will conflict with the mounting and use of the laser? I just destroyed an awesome project as it was nearly done because the new dewalt upgrade just dumped sawdust into the x axis wheels till they stopped rolling and threw everything off. I need dust collection more than ever now!


I think it should be fine, since you do not need the dust shoe when running the laser. I am not sure how far back that mount goes tho…

Have you seen the install video he just put out?

3 weeks out here.


I like the sticker…


My SuckIt just showed up today, shipped yesterday, so a DAY EARLY. That’s the good news.

Bad news, I cannot get either mount to fit on the top, it’s too big to fit between the motor and the carriage.

Stuck… :frowning:

Oh shoot… yeah, there’s not a lot of room back there if you have your router mounted low enough to get to the button…

@BobJewell: Sounds to me like he has his router mounted well down in the holder, so he can access the spindle lock button. As I look at my own, I’ll bet I’m going to have the exact same problem. Might be time to dismount my Z, and cut out a space for the spindle lock button. I’ve been meaning to do that for the extra half-inch and a bit of Z height anyway, and I need to add the new eccentrics anyway…

So, overall, not super happy. I was able to take a grinder and put a curve on the edges to make it fit, but had to push pretty hard and I was sure I was going to crack it, but I got it on …

The next problem was that the eccentric nuts make it impossible to move it left or right at all…

The top right side is REALLY close to the V Wheel, I suppose I can pull it off and grind that a bit too …

But what really bugs me the most is that the hole is not centered, and I have no adjustment…

pretty disappointed

So the suckit isn’t symmetrical!? really! wtf

Hum, does that mean that SuckIt, well, sucks?


@DarrylKegg I’ve just been over your photos and I can’t see where the suckit is not symmetrical. Are you sure that it’s the suckit and not your router mounting that’s causing the issue with the off centre hole?