Dewalt DWP611 Dust Shoe

Thanks for sharing this design and file!


Everything fit. I had to use .3" magnets because we messed up the wall thickness on the print. Now to get some skirting materials and to actually bolt it up. Thankls Francesco


@EdShouse I’m about ready to print mine but have a quick Q: can you still access the button to change bits?

Air-diversion question here: I note in most of these designs folks are blowing the air out/up, is there are reason we don’t blow it down outside of the skirt? That would seem to create a high-pressure field around the device forcing chips towards the center, where they can get sucked up into the vacuum. Any thoughts?

Sorry didnt grab a pic of that but yes you can just depends on how you align it. Here is a screen shot from a vid I took. Watching playoff games so to lazy to go out to the CNC right now to take a photo.

Very Nice!

Hi all, I just received the last back ordered parts for my X-Carve 1000mm with Dewalt 611 and got it assembled a few days ago. I’ve enjoyed reading this thread and seeing the collaborative spirit and innovation. What’s the current recommendation for the dust shoe? I see it went through many iterations…

I think that everyone’s answer will vary. I personally went through 3 designs before I found one that I liked. They all worked but had advantages and disadvantages. The first 2 I made were some what rigid and I had to constantly had to worry about hitting the clamps. In my opinion one with a skirt is the way to go. I absolutely love the one I have now and have had zero problems with it in the 2 months I have been using it. There is a project for mine in the project section if you are interested in it.

Printed mine out this weekend… very lightweight and small.


Looks great, you may have to turn your router a little to reach push button easier.
I think you will attach with fly nut to slide it up and down.

Yup! that’s exactly what i did… turned the router a little and made it easier to slide the dust shoe up and down. I like it as high up and out of the way as possible so it doesn’t hit my (crappy) clamps…

Even with my temporary ‘craft foam’ skirt it works great!! I’m very happy with it… No more dust in the keyboard :grinning:

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I’d love to print one of these out for myself, but it is about 3/8" too tall for my printer, and unfortunately the software I have won’t simply truncate it. Would you be willing to post the CAD file or modify the design to keep it less than 6" tall?


@AlanDavis I must be blind or have dust in my eye, because I don’t see your files.

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I think these are what you’re looking for David.

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Hi Alan,

You have a great design. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering: Is it compatible with the DeWalt D26200 - 900W 8mm ?

It is the one I am about to receive in one week, along with my X-Carve, as it is the only one that is sold officially in Europe with the x-carve.


Thanks Allen

I don’t have exact diameter for those Dewalts. You may have to play with big hole diameter. Shoe must be slide up and down easily when you need it.

I see.
I spoked to deWalt. It turns out 611 is the US version and 26200 is the EU version. So they should be the same. I’ll give it a try once I get my hands on mine.

Out of curiosity:

  1. Are you finally always using the translucent clear acrylic “skirt”? In your last photo, it seems that it can create holes (more than the black brush)… or it doesn’t matter?

  2. What dust vacuum are you using? You think a 1400w karcher of 17L would do?
    (Like this one):

Thanks :slight_smile:

Clear acrylic skirt as seen on the picture worked lot better than bristle brush. Softer and gives clear view of cut. Only one change I have is cutting narrower made it even softer.
Shop vacs works with no question. Unless if you use any dust separator. You can’t deal with cleaning filter otherwise.