DIRESTA Wood Stool

This is mine.
Didn’t really turn out 100% as I wanted, but it was a great first test for my rebuilt machine!


@Jalal nice work! Please post that as its own project. It’s really well done. We will make a furniture category and include it.

@anon68752607 yours looks great too! Did you have any surprises along the way?

yeah there were some issues, most of them a result because I got impatient.
I didn’t cut all the way through because I have yet to make a new wasteboard. So I finished the cut with a jigsaw and cleaned it up with a roundover bit on the router table. There was some tearout, turns out this wood is not the best material for clean cuts. But that is what experiments are for.
Also my pc decided to shutdown mid-job. Probably because I still have automatic updates enabled… Luckily I had marked my zero and could restart the job.

thanks a lot I will do

Well it came out pretty good, few little dings. I took in the house and showed my wife. I said hey look I made a stool, she said hey look you made a plant stand and proceeded to take and put it in a corner and plopped a plant on it.


That’s funny, sounds like my wife. What type of wood is that? Did it chip while cutting?

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Its pine, I think they call it project board at Lowes. That chip happened from being impatient while cutting the tab.

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Here is my remake. I wanted to up the challenge and make two functional stools for my boys nicknamed Rocket and Jet out of the same 30 by 30 limitation, so I started with Diresta’s stool and made two smaller ones.


Those look great! How tall are they?


@sketch42 blowing minds left and right over here. Nice job!

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Very nice. I had the same idea and hopefully I’m going to get it done this weekend. Was going to make a miniature Dr. Seuss version for my daughters Dr. Seuss themed room.

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@CoreyMitchell wow that would be awesome!

@jimmydiresta has a doll or himself someone could make a whole DiResta workshop!

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They are somewhere around 300mm tall. I’ll take a pic of Rocket sitting on his later today.

Awesome Thanks! I think I might re make yours for my daughter!

Cool. Off to the side I put the plus sign that is cut into the underside of the seat for the legs to nest in. I just had it cut half way.

After cutting the parts, delete everything in the project except for the plus sign and a circle. Align them centered vertically and horizontally and with both selected set them to 0,0 X and Y position. Then you can long the circular seat up with a grid or jig and cut that way.

Being as I only have a 500 x 500 I thought I would take a crack at a mini

Still need to tweak it a bit, but you get the idea


I did a mini version for my daughter as well. Mostly shrank Jimmy’s design but somethings didn’t quite scale so I made some adjustments in Easel. I learned you need to be real careful when cutting small pieces(the curves) out of plywood. Lot’s of chipout with my 1/4" upcut bit.


I am doing the same right now, I figured out how to export the G-Code and get it into Inkscape so I can tweak it. Will post a new pic if and when it works out

@AdamPeterson1 wow you even hired a model for the photo shoot. Love it. I also love that you took the picture in context and not on the machine. As makers sometimes I feel like we get so wrapped up in the making we forget that people who aren’t makers view it as a stool not as a project. That purple is great too.


@GlennMDutcher I love that you figured out a way to participate with a 500x500 machine. If you post it to the remake section that will qualify for sure. That was super clever.

This brought out more creativity than I was expecting!

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Here is my remake of the stool. I wanted something smaller that my children could use to brush their teeth.

It’s my first attempt at making something furniture like. I designed it in Graphic and then imported the SVG into Easel.

It takes up half of the work area so I could make two from one panel. I made this one from 1/2" maple. There are a few things I would change, but for my first try at something like this I’m pretty happy.

What a great way to stir up the creativity @Zach_Kaplan!

I will post another photo tomorrow after the glue is finished drying and I can reset the screws and do some flap sanding in the edges.