I just installed the script and then after
screen -r easel
I have
There is no screen to be resumed matching easel
I’m using a DELL laptop / Ubuntu 16.0.4 . LTS
Thank you for your help…
Did you run screen -dmS easel node iris.js
? Make sure you’re in the easel-driver
This screen copy come from a new fresh linux (lubuntu) installation on an old machine.
Same thing
Just try node iris.js
and see what it says, it must be erroring out for some reason.
It’s not good…
But my Linux knowledge is… limited
Your help will be needed.
I did some tinkering…
Clean reinstallation
Same mistake. (re)installation of nodes and npm
(re)Serialport installation
And the result:
Now I’m drying…(french sentence)
I would suggest just rebooting. Another app (probably a previous instance) is using the port…you could try finding the process with ps uawx | grep node
and then running kill -9 PID
where PID is the process ID of the node process, but if you’re unfamiliar with Linux, rebooting may be easier
I suspect cd’ing into that same directory and running node iris.js
afterwards should work.
Plus if the process using the port runs on start it could just take the port again. killing the process will free the port and should allow you to take control of the port while it is open.
Thank you for your help.
I’m testing on two computers:
On the DELL laptop, it’s now okay. (with pidof and kill -9… )
But on the older machine it’s still stuck, it’s the one I want to use to drive the CNC milling machine.
Thanks again,
Try sudo node iris.js
on the older machine.
As @AngusMcleod mentioned, this will help determine if another process is bound to those ports (which seems to be the case according to the Node error – plus sudo+grep to catch other user processes and grep out the interesting info): sudo netstat -np | egrep '1438|1338'
Here the result :
jacques@FraiseuseCNC-Lubuntu:~/Téléchargements/easel-driver-master/easel-driver$ sudo netstat -np | egrep ‘1438|1338’
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 2107/node
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1060/chrome
jacques@FraiseuseCNC-Lubuntu:~/Téléchargements/easel-driver-master/easel-driver$ ^C
I want to reinstall Linux, what do you think?
It appears that node is already running…? And chrome is connected to it.
kill -2 2107
should kill that process
New Linux installation (linux lite),
Installation of the easel driver script easel for linux
And bug…
See below.
There must be something wrong with it…
jacques@FraiseuseCNC:~/easel-driver-master/easel-driver$ sudo screen -dmS easel node iris.js
jacques@FraiseuseCNC:~/easel-driver-master/easel-driver$ sudo node iris.js2017-11-14T07:13:30.260Z iris.js [id=0] Starting Easel Local 0.3.7
2017-11-14T07:13:30.353Z iris.js [id=0] Listening on port 1438 for secure connections from easel.inventables.com:80 easel.inventables.com:443 easelstaging.inventables.com:80 easelstaging.inventables.com:443 easel.invinternal.com:443
2017-11-14T07:13:30.372Z Machine [id=4] Resetting
2017-11-14T07:13:30.381Z iris.js [id=0] Listening on port 1338 for connections from easel.inventables.com:80 easel.inventables.com:443 easelstaging.inventables.com:80 easelstaging.inventables.com:443 easel.invinternal.com:443
2017-11-14T07:13:30.383Z Machine [id=8] Resetting
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1020:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1043:20)
at Server._listen2 (net.js:1262:14)
at listen (net.js:1298:10)
at net.js:1408:9
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:83:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
at Module.runMain (module.js:606:11)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:383:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)
Either you’re already running it (perhaps in a screen session) or you have another application using the port. I’m guessing you’re running it multiple times, once from the install itself (it runs it via screen
), and then again manually. Try screen -r
and if that fails, try sudo screen -r
4 hours later…
I left the computer running.
And “CARVE” is green!
I don’t really understand…
Thank you for your generous help
I don’t think it has to do with time – I think it was already running in the background. You were getting the errors because you’re trying to run it a second time. The script I provide on github already runs it in the background via screen.
Please again…
How do I do to :
Start on boot
To start the driver on bootup, run:
(crontab -l ; echo "@reboot cd ~/easel-driver && /usr/bin/screen -dmS easel node iris.js") | crontab