Inventables Black Friday Deal

I lived in Austin for 4 years and Houston for 4 years (preferred Austin, but the sailing was better in Houston). Miss it. Funny how people think that things that are SO spicy in Seattle are barely even warm in TX…

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Ladies and gentlemen, I have been to the future…


“Stroke of Midnight” nice touch!

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They have a couple of recent posts and other activity in Instagram now. It’s come back to life.

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I’m in SW Washigton, but I didn’t vote because I was away (gasp!) from the forums all morning. But for the record, I would have voted for Wednesday too. I don’t do patience very well.

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Maybe something to soften the blow of international shipping?! There again, launch of the XController could do that.

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Stroke of mid-night tonight, what time zone? Aargh I hate time zone math. Ok I live near Detroit, anyone care to help me and let me know when will it happen there?


Better yet, just give us a countdown clock.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Countdown clock to Black Friday Deal


For once West coasters win we get to see what the big deal is at 10 pm local. East coasters have to wait till 1 am local.

Ariel, WA

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7pm on Wednesday for us living in the future over here in NZ. :smile:


It always amazes me that I talk to my partner in NZ in the future. I have a triple clock on my desk that I have set for PST, time in the UK and time in NZ.
My partner is in Tamaru and just bought a XC 1k from a guy that lives on the north end of north island.

Ariel, WA


Must be missing something. Nothing for the current community unless we want to add another machine? Bummer, going back to bed.

Trying to buy an X-Carve, but when I add to cart, all I get is some ABS plastic. I think there is a problem here guys???

@Zach_Kaplan Something doesn’t seem right about the sale. Says “Regular price $200, sale price $200” and etc.

Damn… i have ordered mine last week… and shipping cost are soooo expensive from France, a gift card is unusable cause shipping cost.

Classic. And this is why I voted for Friday. The Maker Gods are looking down on us and laughing. Actually not annoyed, sitting here chuckling. Was really hoping for the X-controller to drop. Not necessarily on sale, just up for sale.

The gift card is a nice offer, but now the shopping cart isn’t showing me the items (the number shows up on the cart icon but, when going to the cart, it only shows one item which wasn’t there previously). Weird.

Nope, definitely broken. Whenever I try to add an XCarve to my cart, I just get Black ABS Plastic Sheet 25077-02, and if I click remove, I’m told Oops there is an error… HELP

Shopping cart is broken! :cry: