Paw paw's projects

This project went very quickly. It took longer for the paint to dry than it did to paint them

All finished.


I am very happy with how my machine is performing.

Sometimes it’s the small things that make me happy. Recently, I bought a new palm sander and quickly realized that I could not attach a vacuum hose to it. Needless to say I had dust everywhere
a quick five minutes in Easel and 25 minute carve time and I have an adapter. It is 1.58" on one side and 1.25" for the other side for the hose. It was made with .5 plywood and super glued together.


Ok, I liked the first adapter so much I decided to upgrade. So out with the old ugly one and in with the new one.


Hello. I’am french. La peinture bleu et blanche est appliquĂ©e et ensuite poncage ; OK.
Mais pour la noire comment faire sans poncage ? CĂ  doit ĂȘtre trĂšs long pour ne pas dĂ©passer du motif !
Comme fais tu ? Merci de la précision.

Hello. I’am french. The blue and white paint is applied and then sanded; OK.
But for the black how to do without sanding? It must be very long not to exceed the pattern!
How are you doing? Thank you for your clarification.

Love it, I went to Northshore. Great work!

Are you using Poplar for these or is this Oak? It looks good. Just wondering if I had a source here locally in West Texas for this.

Thank you. These were made from premium Pine from Home Depot. It cost about $3.98/ft. I also use poplar at times.

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Thank you

I first sand everything. Next, I spray paint all of the recessed areas. In this case the white on the panther. Usually, this takes two coats of paint. The edge of the board is also sprayed. Next, I use a disk sander and sand the back and front surfaces to remove all unwanted paint. Next, hand paint the letters and the black on the panther. The last step is to spray with three coats of spray clear finish.

I’ll have to try this. It might just save me some time. Thanks

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I use shellac as well for the sanding sealer. Very effective and dries very quick

How long does the oil base take to dry?

I also use acrylic paints. Have you tried you method with water based paints?

I going to try this next time. I think this is a great idea. Thank you very much

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Hi, there!

Sorry for the stupid questions, but I would like to ask you about separate carving stages:
how do you split them - do you make separate rough contour, send rough contour G-code first, than change bit and send another G-code for detailed carve.
Or G-code generates automatically by Easel (if you set up that to use 2 carving stages)

I just don’t know how that should work :slight_smile:

First, I do nothing with the g code. Everything is done in easel. Depending on the design I will divide the work into the different workpieces and assign the appropriate bit. On the actual two stage carve easel does that for you. Assign the first bit. I usually use a 1/4" or 1/8", then select the “+” and you have the option to select the detail bit. I will use either a 1/16" or 1/32". Easel does everything else. It is a very easy program to use. Unfortunately, I know nothing about gcode at all. Hope this helps.

What bit did you use? They are incredible!