Ok guys, it’s ole lost in the woods me again. Question !: Where does photoVcarve save the toolpath too that you create in the last step? Question 2: On my computer I have X_Carve_PostP, X_Carve_inch.pp and others. How do these talk to PhotoVcarve? I have UniversalGcode and Java on my camputer. As I’ve said, I’m as lost as can be here and trying to read Greek that I don’t understand. Anyone willing to do a little hand holding here would be greatly appreciated! Also, is there other software that you need to purchase to work in conjunction with photovcarve?
After you have gone through the first 3 steps in PhotoVcarve you will be able to do step 4 “Preview and Save Toolpath”
You will select the X-Carve_Inch.pp post processor from the Post processor drop down menu then click the “Save Toolpath” as soon as you click that button a new window will open like in the picture below. That window is asking you what you want to name your gcode file and where you want to save it. I suggest that you click the “This PC” button and then the Desktop directory and save the file to your Desktop. That way it will be easy to find when you want to load it into UGS.
Thanks Allen, I guess that’s where I am going wrong. I don’t see a “X-Carve_Inch.pp” post processor in my drop down menu. That’s the rub, how do I get this processor into this menu?
Open your Windows File Explorer and look for the "Program Files (x86) directory under your C: drive
Then in that “Program Files (x86) directory” you should see the “PhotoVcarve” directory
Open the “PhotoVcarve” directory and you will see the “PostP” directory
You want to put your X-Carve_Inch.pp file into that PostP directory
Thanks again, will look at it tomorrow as it is too late in the pm to do today. Thank you again.
I’m feeling about as dumb as a rock right about now! I followed (I think) your directions and in the “Program Files (x86)”, PhotoVCarve, PostP directory I now have the X_Carve_inch (3).pp and the X_Carve_mm(1).pp files located there. BUT when I go to the PhotoVCarve file and click on the Post Processor pull down those files are not showing up in that pull down?
Restart the program and they should show up.
If I remember correctly the x-carve post processor for VCarve causes an error with the Photo Carve
It is the ARC variable as photo carve doesn’t use it.
If so you may want to try these
X-Carve photo carving
Also check the file menu and see if there is a
“Open Application Data Folder…” option
If so that will also get you to the location of where the post processor folder is located (just in case it is duplicated in a different location)
Nope, they ain’t there!?
Ok fella’s, I’ve copied my X_Carve post processor’s into my PostP file and when I go into my PhotoVCarve post processor drop down menu they do not show up in that drop down. Any suggestions? I have exited and turned of and back on my computer several times. Still not there???
Woops, it looks like the postP directory it uses is actually under the “C:\Program Files (x86)\PhotoVCarve Trial\Exec\PostP” directory, so you should put your Xcarve post processor files there. Like this:
Allen, here we go again. I have the following on my computer: C:\Program Files(x86)\PhotoCarve\Exec… Under Exec I have 3 choices, gdiplusII, Licence, PhotoVcarve. There is no PhotoVCarveTrial or a PostP directory.
Allen, if I go to the Windows©\ProgramFiles(x86)\PhotoVCarve\PostP directory the Xcarve post processors are there! So how do I get them from this location to show up when I go thru the "Preview & Save Toolpath\Post Processor pull down menu?
I have not purchased it so I have the trial version, you have paid for it so you do not have the trial version.
Your directory will just be named PhotovCarve
Look at the directories under your PhotoVcarve directory and fine the one that has lots of file that end in .pp
That is your post processor directory.
Or just do this - Forget about loading the X-Carve post processor, I checked and it looks like the “G Code Inch (*.tap)” post processor will work just fine with the X-Carve. So use that post processor and get started making photos!
Looks as if we were over writing each other here! Again the post processor files are in the PhotoVCarve\PostP files. Now what?
Do not load the post processor, you do not need it.
Use “G Code Inch (*.tap)” post processor
ok then, I’m still lost. Where/what do I do after this??
After you create the gcode you will load it into your X-Carve with the Easel import and then carve it.
Allen I finally got it running, had to go online help from Easel though. The person on line help got on my computer and after about 10 minutes of him flashing from one screen to another so fast I couldn’t follow him, he got the post processor loaded into Easel. At least I think that’s what he did?? Anywho, I am carving my photo now on plywood, I know, bad choice of wood, but it’s what I had ready to go. When it is done I will redo it on a piece of red oak and see what it looks like. I want to thank you for attempting to assist me with this, I know you didn’t have too. Just some of us are less computer savvy than others, especially when we are apple people and not pc people. Thanks again for all of your help. AGHHHHHHHHHH, power just died! Damit! Killed this computer and the pc up front. Guess I will use the red oak sooner than I thought. Now if I can just get it to working again. Life little trails and all that rot!
Had to go out, just returned and rebooted my pc and there the page was just waiting on me. It is carving the red oak as I write this, will, of course, take a video of the work and post the outcome!