The use of vcarve on x carve help

Here is my video of my first attempt at using photoVcarve. Surprising to say the least!

rub some stain over it and then immediatly wipe the stain off the surface and whatever carved will show up much better.

Allen nothing showed up, just some 22.5Âș scratch marks on the wood. I will try the baby example tomorrow and see what happens.

What type of bit are you using and what values did you set for max depth and line spacing?

I suggest that you spend some time reading the PhotoVcarve forum. There is a lot of great information there about what works and what does not. Plus some really amazing examples of some great carvings.

It looks like most of the really nice carvings are the result of using a very good high contrast black and white photo and a very sharp engraving bit. The method used to finish the carving is also crucial to having a good final product.

I used my 30Âș V bit and set cut depth at .1 inch and the line spacing was 1 or 2 I think.

Correction, that is a 60 degree v bit!

This is my second attempt to carve a photo using PhotoVCarve. Not any better result than the first one!

All right what’s going on here?

It looks like you are not getting enough depth. So check your settings.

Making a successful picture is all about the setting, there are only a few adjustments you can make but they are critical. Please spend some time reading the Vectric PhotovCarve forms and see what setting people there have used for successful pictures then use those same settings and you will start getting closer.

Well here’s my answer to that!

Now this is really getting old. I went to Inventables help and they helped me load the ‘easel’ post processor on my system. Then we went to photovcarve and set it up to carve and then back to easel to load it and get ready to carve. Same result, just lines on the board. So tried cutting deeper (many times recommended) and it just cut deeper lines! So tomorrow it’s time to call the Vetric people and see if they can show me what I am not doing correctly. Did I say this is getting old?

Heard back from Vetric, wanted to know what bit I was using. Told them. They said that everything looked good on their end? So now I am recarving again with a different bit to see if it makes a difference.

Robert, let me know how we can get together, either by phone or on the pc.

Also, you are correct, that last was a .tap file but I have used the ,nc files also with the same result. I also suspect my post processor which is the one from inventables that they loaded into my pp files.

Robert, thank you for the info, one small problem, I’m not sure how to copy from here to my post processor list in PhotoVCarve? Would you email me at your telephone number so I may call you and talk this through over the phone? Also indicate best time to call.
Thank you,

Robert, Bare with me here, I have in my "Program Files (x86) PhotoVCarve Post P file the following two files now showing; X_Carve_inch.pp and X_Carve_mm.pp. BUT when I go into PhotoVCarve and try to pick the pp for my photo neither of these files show up? I have gone as far as shutting down and restarting my computer and they still don’t show up? I use the Program Files (x86) as that is the only place the PhotoVCarve shows up. It’s not in my ‘just’ program file.

No, windows 7

Here is my latest adventures in the world of photovcarve. Spent a couple of hours on facebook with a fellow you tuber trying to get me going. We loaded x-carve post processors into my unerversual g code sender and loaded latest version of java on my system. These are the results, as you will see no different than from before. Guess I will have to try and call the UK on Monday and talk to someone at PhotoVCarve to see if we can resolve this issue?

Robert, I tried using windows 10 and I couldn’t get easel to respond in any manner so I switched back to windows 7.