Ultimate Dust Boot for X-Carve with the Dewalt Router

Just contact a brush maker if you want unused bristle. If I were doing this again I would go into a discount store and buy a decorator’s brush (wall paper or emulsion brushes have extra long bristle). It should only cost a couple of $.


I’m actually in the middle of making your ultimate dust boot, I’m modifying the mounting pieces slightly, not sure how it will work out, as for the bristles, I went to my local hardware store and looked at thier brooms and found the softest one I could find. The bristles are about 3-4 inches long which gives me enough that I can trim them down when I’m done. I will post some pictures when I’m done.

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Hi Bob,

Your new idea for the mounting pieces sounds interesting and other people may want to do the same so pictures and drawings at the ready !


hi Peter…how did you get the bristle to stand up the the glue was drying…

Hi Bob,

The channel for the bristle was quite narrow and with the glue that I used I found that it stayed more or less in place. However, in my earlier video (making the previous dust boot) I showed some small wooden pegs that I put into the channel to support the bristle after each batch was inserted;


Thanks Peter after reading your post I think the epoxy that I used was too thin going to try RTV (clear ) along with solider off the roll as a wage

Can this be made in Easel? I am new to CNC programing and easel is all I use so far. I have made a different dust boot but it is connected to the Z axis and this one makes much more sense. May I also have the files Peter? email is granados35@live.com

Take the dxf file from the very first post, open it in Inkscape and save it as an svg file. Then import it into easel. Should be easy enough.

Hi Peter,

Can I also request for the plans

Thank you


Hi Peter, Love you work and videos.
Could I please have the dust boot plans emailed to (treasuresinwood@bigpond.com) ?
Thank you in anticipation.
Regards, James

Hello Peter,

Really enjoy all your excellent videos. Could I please have the plans for the dust boot?

Thank You,

I would also like a copy of your design. jdbrown87@gmail.com

After reading threads like the one for the suckit, this thread and the one by @PhilJohnson, I am trying to decide if I should build one or just buy one and wait 6-8weeks+. I am new to this, I just would like to keep the x-carve clean and free from damage.

I guess at that point I just need the brushes you mentioned. (sorry, thought I was responding to a message, not the thread)

Peter congrats on a great design, and thanks for helping the community.

Wish my DWP611 had its power cord routed up like yours. I might have to see if that casing is available in the U.S.


Just finished my X-Carve build last night, this is right at the top of the list of things to build first. I may have missed it, but I assume that after I download the 3 files, I’m going to need to convert them so that Easel can import them, correct?

Hi Alex,

I do not use Easel and have not tried importing either a .dwg or .dxf file into it. I am sure that Inventables have made this possible as it is a fundamental requirement.


Thanks Peter, I’ll follow Phil’s advice and try to convert from Inkspace. If I can get it all set, I can upload and share an Easel version of your project.

@PhilJohnson Ok, so get Inkscape and then convert to an Optimized SVG and import? I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks!

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Hmm… Ok, I have Inkscape, I have the Static Boot 3 - R14.dxf file linked at the top of the thread. When I open in Inkscape (Not Import) I get a blank page, no tool paths. What am I doing wrong? :slight_smile:

SWEET! Lemme have a look!